"The Taejae University Foundation aims to play the flagship role in promoting new education and becoming a cradle for fostering talents who will lead the world."
Chang-Gul Cho
Today, we are living in the greatest transition of the history of the civilization. Digitalization and artificial intelligence have changed human lives; threats to the ecosystems are increasing, including climate change; and the changing World Order, including the conflict between the United States and China, preannounces the revolution of human civilization in the twenty-first century.
In particular, the history of civilization centered on Europe and the United States, which have led the modernization, is changing to the history of civilization of the Asian Century centered on the Northeast Asia.
In this century of great transformation, it is our obligation to develop an innovative higher education and cultivate talented individuals who could lead the future of our society and the global community. Since the segmented expertise has been perceived as an efficient ability in the industrial structure of the mass production system, the university, in the twentieth century, impoverished the educational function and neglected to develop creative knowledge on behalf of focusing on the research-oriented knowledge production and simply indoctrinating explicit knowledge. However, now, the simple and repetitive functional abilities have been shifting rapidly to the realms of computers and automation as led by digitalization, and we became solely responsible for the convergent knowledge and creativity. It is time for the university to lead the future through an innovative and ingenious education to cultivate promising youths who will lead the new civilization in the twenty-first century rather than the intellectuals who have led the past.
Therefore, the Taejae University aims to cultivate leaders who can solve the social dilemma and lead for the transformation of the society, in ways that the traditional universities have never tried before. Stating our educational goal, the 'Student Success' is to become the best Global Leader, we will introduce and implement a customized education system optimized for each individual student in which the utmost ability can be developed.
We will nurture Global and Future management leaders of twenty-first century through General Education program that builds up knowledge, Academic programs that intensify convergence thinking and problem-solving ability, and Experiential program that is staged world-wide for real-world practice. These programs will develop leaders with our six key competencies being global leadership in pursuit of diversity, power of empathy and coexistence, communication and collaboration, creative thinking, critical thinking, and self-directed learning.
With the goal to maximize the potential online learning education, the Taejae University will continue to establish and develop new curriculum and learning management system by incorporating digital innovation into education, like the innovative universities worldwide are implementing, and share our results for the higher education. Furthermore, we will develop and spread the curriculum for life-long education system of twenty-first create virtuous cycle of our knowledge ecosystem.